The Recovery Plan: Recovering Blackness and Recovering from Florence’s Historical Narration

Wednesday Lecture, at the Harold Acton Library and online, on Zoom

by Justin Randolph Thompson


The Recovery Plan is a way of rethinking the exclusions and violences of historical narration. The talk draws upon the research project  On Being Present which examines a range of paintings that figure Black Africans in the collection of the Gallerie degli Uffizi.


To join the event on Zoom (no reservation necessary), simply click on this link: (password: qzDe0T) at 18:00 on Wednesday 2nd December. Once you have downloaded ZOOM. All you have to do is click on the meeting link to join the videoconference. 


There is no charge for seat reservations or to attend the event on Zoom, but we ask you to consider making a donation to support the Institute and its beautiful library if you wish to attend an event.

Thank you for your support.