Patterns of Patronage in Santo Spirito

Virtual Wednesday Lecture, on Zoom

by Ellie Walker 


Take a closer look at the Capponi, Nerli and Nasi Altarpieces in Santo Spirito with Ellie Walker who will present her research on the visual relationships between these three works and why the influence of Netherlandish painting was so important. By examining the relationships between the patrons and the artists as well as the style and design of the altarpieces themselves, Ellie will share her thoughts about how and why she considers this cluster of chapels in the south transept and their artworks to be unique and worthy of attention. Piero di Cosimo, Filippino Lippi and the lesser known but intriguing figure of Raffaellino del Garbo are the artists in focus for this talk.

Join Ellie to discover a little bit about the network of patronage in Oltrano and the fascinating ways it was exhibited, literally, for all to see.


To join this  lecture with Zoom (no reservation necessary), simply click on this link: at 18:00 on Wednesday 7th April. 


There is no charge to attend the event on Zoom, but we ask you to consider making a donation to support the Institute and its beautiful library if you wish to attend an event.