Leonardo, Zeffirelli and the Corsi family
Wednesday Lecture, at the Harold Acton Library and online, on Zoom
by John Hoenig
The talk will last about 40 mins, and will be followed by a discussion.
Places for this event in the library are strictly limited due to COVID restrictions, so registration is required to attend the lecture in person.
To reserve your seat at the British Institute's Library please fill the online form here
To Join the lecture on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84137520552?pwd=S2RnOHdKSzZ5dlEwZzBoQWo2TXdPUT09
If you do not already have ZOOM on your computer, it’s easy to download using this link – and it’s FREE!
Once you have downloaded ZOOM. All you have to do is click on the meeting link to join the videoconference.
There is no charge for seat reservations or to attend the event on Zoom, but we ask you to consider making a donation to support the Institute and its beautiful library if you wish to attend an event.
Thank you for your support.