A Europe of states or a Europe of getting things done
Lecture in English by Richard Rose
Whether defined geographically or as a bundle of people, Europe is an abstraction; the European Union is a legal fact. Its institutions provide a framework to get things done but are not of themselves active. Looking at functions shows that there are many different kinds of networks for getting things. Tourist Europe is different from Industrial Europe, and Europeans who communicate in English to get things done are more numerous than the English people who voted to leave Europe.
Professor Richard Rose FBAin is Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute and Director, Centre for the Study of Public Policy, University of Strathclyde Glasgow.
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The 2017 autumn season is made possible by a generous donation from Alessandra and Michael Griffiths through the Michael Griffiths Trust in memory of their son John (Aug 4, 1970 - April 4, 2015).