Godi, Fiorenza! Dante’s Poetic (and other) Feelings about Florence

Virtual Wednesday Lecture, on Zoom

by Alexandra Lawrence


Dante’s dramatic love/hate relationship with Florence has fascinated the world for centuries. Exiled in 1302 over a political fight, the sommo poeta both excoriates and expresses extraordinary nostalgia for his hometown in his masterwork, The Divine Comedy. This talk by Italian art and language expert, Alexandra Lawrence, will look at Dante and his multitude of emotions about his ‘Fiorenza’.


This event is part of the official 700 Dante Firenze celebrations


To join this  lecture with Zoom (no reservation necessary), simply click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88052886632?pwd=bUNCMjdUT0RVcS9mUVl3Q2pDSTZvQT09 at 18:00 on Wednesday 10th February. 


There is no charge to attend the event on Zoom, but we ask you to consider making a donation to support the Institute and its beautiful library if you wish to attend an event.