The Future of Intelligence: A Multidisciplinary Vernon Lee Conference

In her time, Vernon Lee’s (1856-1935) life across borders and her virtually unlimited thinking across disciplines, as well as her tackling fields traditionally reserved to men, were seen as 'intellectual amateurishness'. But her multi-disciplinarity and her ability to cross boundaries, place her in our days as a modern thinker and a precursor.


This conference, held over three days and three locations in Lee's home city of Florence, aims to think about her life and works in ways that are responsive, playful, and multidisciplinary.


The conference is organised by Sally Blackburn-Daniels (Teesside University, UK), Shafquat Towheed (The Open University, UK), Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino, and the International Vernon Lee Society.


More info and programme here: