Populists or Pussycats? Giorgia Meloni’s government one year on

John Hooper, Italy & Vatican Correspondent for The Economist, will be interviewed by Morgan Fiumi on the current political and economic outlook in Italy.


John Hooper is an award winning writer and journalist whose experience of Italian politics stretches back more than 25 years.  As well as his writing for The Economist, he has recently contributed to The Wall Street Journal and previously worked for The Guardian and the BBC.  His book The Italians is an international  best seller.


If you are in Florence and would like to attend the lecture in person at the British Institute Library, please register here or send an email to bif@britishinstitute.it

Please note, only people with confirmed registrations can attend the lecture in person. The registration fee is 10 Euro per person.

All participants are invited to wear a mask throughout the event. 


To join this  event with Zoom (no reservation necessary), simply click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pdeqgqTooG9On2JhILSBaCwDiz1vuh0ZR

at 18:30 on Monday 16th October. 

There is no charge to attend the event on Zoom, but we ask you to consider making a donation to support the Institute and its beautiful library if you wish to attend an event.