Poggio Bracciolini: Travel and Treasure Hunting in the Age of Humanism

Virtual Wednesday Lecture, on Zoom

by Jeremy Boudreau


An introduction to the life and legacy of humanist clergyman and intrepid bibliophile Poggio Bracciolini, whose rediscovery of the classical writings of Lucretius and Vitruvius fueled major developments in the poetry and art of Renaissance Florence .


To join this  lecture with Zoom (no reservation necessary), simply click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81296704912?pwd=RGpxdnMwYm8rK2laeHRDWlpDb0hkdz09 at 18:00 on Wednesday 21st April. 


There is no charge to attend the event on Zoom, but we ask you to consider making a donation to support the Institute and its beautiful library if you wish to attend an event.