The lady is a spy: Stan Harding in Florence

Lecture in English by Melanie King 


Concentrating on Stan Hardings’s colourful life in Florence, this lecture is based on The Lady is a Spy: The Tangled Lives of Stan Harding & Marguerite Harrison (Ashgrove Publishing 2019), which tells the forgotten story of two women who, far in advance of their time, worked as foreign correspondents, who operated as spies in dangerous shadowlands of international politics, and who were both imprisoned in Lubyanka, one of the most desperate places on earth.


The Cultural Programme is open to members of the British Institute of Florence. Membership options range from 24 hours to Life. For membership see here.

This season is made possible by a generous donation from Graham Avery and his wife Annalisa, matched by Alessandra and Michael Griffiths.


This  lecture is sponsored by Barbara Hollowell